- MARKETING & SALES plans, functions, strategies, and operations are critical in driving Revenues, making margin, retaining customers, making profits, and achieving overall company objectives .
- The Marketing & Sales approach is to help clients in getting sustainable economic results and as such, we work on all the mix to inspire fame breaking and high impact thinking on all fields : marketing, sales, branding, pricing, retailing. We leverage and create value on globally and extend it to strategy, planning, execution, capability building.
- More over, we have at TLCC, develop an unique experience of integrating within the Marketing & Sales, the Communication as a specific, due to the particularity of the Luxury Industry. Among our key expertise, we know how to action the global communication mix in order to maximize it for the Brand awareness and power.
- We want our clients to be leader in their categories, establishing a Brand driven management and complete business system, creating marketing & sales added values, with customers, employees, and capital markets.
- We work to harmonize comprehensively, to find synergies for all Marketing & Sales functions—sales, marketing, brand management, pricing, and knowledge of consumers—to drive the company bottom line.
- We work into consumers insights,customer needs, buying behavior, refine pricing, useful offering across channels, new product or service offers, promotions plans, growth opportunities in order to get the best return on marketing investment
- We work to find the right Branding and communication policy in line with a Brand and product portfolio, combining rigorous business analysis and customer or consumer behaviors
- We work to establish in a very challenging and rapid market environment the right sales and channels - including the E Business-, with a strong sales force efficiency, developing customized strategies.
- We work on Pricing, one of the most strategic tool in order to face shifts in customer demands to fight against regular price war threats, to shape customer behavior, defend the Brand, boost earnings, drive Brand perception, capture profit, optimize pricing in these challenging times.
- Structure general Marketing & Sales Policy in line with Strategic and Operational Plans.
- Set Up of Marketing Policy including Product Portfolio, Range Collection, Mix, Pricing, Distribution, PR & Communication, Advertising, below and above the lines, Promotions, Merchandising, International development, Digital
- Build Up of Sale Policy covering Pricing structure, Price scales, Sales Conditions for multichannel distribution: BtoB, BtoC, Wholesales & Retail, Travel Business, E Commerce
- Sales Force & agent management & HR structure, organization, people.
- Branding
- We have work a special platform associating digital and real communications for Luxury Brands.
- We strategize and synergize the global communication mix (GCM) , with a blending of Advertising, strategic media planning, Digital communication mobile platform.
- We work also on web, social media, blogs, Press and Public relations, Event management and execution
- We channel PR Press Office towards Luxury Media, in line with the Brand positioning, Product and International Strategies
- We always keep in mind a maximum efficiency for a minimum investment cost
- We also tackle new emerging Media, play the innovation and events, push the and calendar management in some sectors of the Luxury we are addressing through our practices.